Tekagami (SCUA)
Item set
019 A poem from Shin chokusen wakashū (New Imperial Waka Collection); opening verse,koishisano (こひしさの)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 伏見宮邦輔親王 こひしさの (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)が最も近い? -
018 Fragment of the Discourse on the Stages of Concentration Practice (J. Yugashijiron; S. Yogâcārabhūmi-śāstra; 瑜伽師地論), fascicle 99: T1579_.30.0871c17-20
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 中将姫 主䡄 (極印)弌守 (筆跡)平塚平兵衛 -
017 Fragment of the Lotus Sutra (Myōhō rengekyō; Sanskrit Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra), fascicle 4, chapter 21: T0262_.09.0051c13-19
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 大織冠 得是 (極印)弌守 (筆跡)平塚平兵衛 -
016 A poem from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, ito semete (いとせめて)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 陽光院 いとせめて (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代)か? -
015 A poem from Shin chokusen wakashū (New Imperial Waka Collection); opening verse, koishinan (恋しなぬ)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 仙洞様 戀しなぬ (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
014 Calligraphy attributed to Emperor Go-Yōzei, possibly a correspoondance regarding a poetry gathering
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 後陽成院 かやの題は (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了悦(十二代)に近い? -
013 A poem slip (tanzaku) with themes for a poetry gathering
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 後陽成院 遠山朝花 (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了悦(十二代)に近い? -
012 A fragment from an unidentified poetry collection; the first poem of the fragment opens with, iza saraba (いささらは)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 正親町院 秋心 (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
011 A Poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, omoedomo (おもへとも)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 後奈良院 おもへとも (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了悦(十二代)に最も近い? -
010 Poems from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, hototogisu (ほとときす)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 後土御門院 ほとゝきす (極印)弌守 (筆跡)平塚平兵衛 -
009 Calligraphy fragment possibly of a commentary; first line begins with, yurusanu (ゆるさぬ)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 後光厳院 ゆるさぬ (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了悦(十二代)に近い? -
008 A letter attributed to Emepror Go-Daigo; opening verse, araarashi (あらあらし)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 後醍醐天皇 あらあら (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
007 Poems from Wakan rōeishū (A Collection of Japanese and Chinese Poems for Recitation); first verse begins with, kōri (氷)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 後二條院 氷※ (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
006 A poem attributed to Emperor Fushimi (possibly a fragment of Hirosawa-gire); opening verse, "Nokibayori" (のきはより)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 後伏見院 のきはより (極印)重 (筆跡)古筆了雪 -
005 A fragment of an unidentified commentary to the Flower Ornament Sutra (Daihōkō butsu kegonkyō; Sanskrit Buddhâvataṃsaka-mahāvaipulya-sūtra)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 弘法大師 天依縁 (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道伴(四代)に近いか? -
004 A calligraphy fragment attributed to Prince Shōtoku of an unidentified text
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 聖徳太子 昆其 (極印)弌守 (筆跡)平塚平兵衛 -
003 Fragment of the Lotus Sutra (Myōhō rengekyō; Sanskrit Saddharmapundarika-sutra), fascicle 3, chapter 5, "Herbs": T0262_.09.0021a19-27
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 極札欠失 -
002 Fragment of the Lotus Sutra (Myōhō rengekyō; Sanskrit Saddharmapundarika-sutra), fascicle 2, chapter 3: “Simile and Parable”: T0262_.09.0013b07-14
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 光明皇后 雖有力 (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音に近いか? -
001 Fragment of Śūraṃgama-sūtra (C. Da foding rulai miyin xiuzheng liaoyi zhupusa wanxing shoulengyan jing; J. Dai butchō nyorai mitsuin shushō ryōgi shobosatsu mangyō shuryōgon kyō; 大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經): T0945_.19.0118b27-28
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 聖武天皇 真圓融 (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道伴(四代目)