Tekagami (SCUA)
Item set
119 A fragment from an unidentified poetry collection; the first poem of the fragment opens with, Nori no michi (のりの道)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 蒲生殿智閑 のりの道 (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了珉(五代)に近いか? -
118 A fragment from an unidentified poetry collection; the first poem of the fragment opens with, Somayama ya (そま山や)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 二階堂 政行/そま山や (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
117 Poems from Akaishū (Major Counselo's Collection); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Mijikayo ni (みしか夜に)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 平田墨梅 みしか夜に (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了栄(二代)か? -
116 Fragment of the section on "inazuma" (lightning) from the Senjū kaku burui (Classification of Select Fine Verses); first verse on the fragment begins with, Inazuma wa (いなつまは)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 法眼源承 いなつまは (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(初代)に近いか? -
115 A poem by Eigo; opening verse, Koharu chō (小春てふ)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 奈良流永後 小春てふ (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(初代)に近いか? -
114 A fragment from Utamakura nayose (Utamakura Reference Book); first verse on the fragment begins with, Kimi kozu wa (君こすは)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 細見河内守光信 君こすは (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代) -
113 A poem from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Sumiyoshi no (住吉の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 山崎隠士宗鑑 住吉の (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代) -
112 A poem from Senzai wakashū (Collection of Japanese Poems of a Thousand Years); opening verse, Hototogisu (ほとときす)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 肥前賀瀬ノ住人 増誾/ほとときす (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
111 Poems from Wakan rōeishū (A Collection of Japanese and Chinese Poems for Recitation); first verse begins with, Yōyaku ni kunzurō setsu no (漸薫臘雪)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 天満少法橋東英 漸薫臘雪 (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代 -
110 A poem from Wakan rōeishū (A Collection of Japanese and Chinese Poems for Recitation); the verse on the fragment begins with, Kōri denchi ni kiete (氷消田地)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 中村久越 松花堂門人/氷消田地 (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代) -
109 A poem from Wakan rōeishū (A Collection of Japanese and Chinese Poems for Recitation); the verse on the fragment begins with, Kimi narade (君ならて)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 中村久越 松花堂門人/春ならて (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代) -
108 Poems from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Harusame no (はるさめの)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 西山慈寛 延喜御時 (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
107 A fragment from an unidentified content (possibly an excerpt of a story); the opening characters read, Aru hito no (ある人の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 蒲生貞秀 宗祇法師門人/ある人の (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
106 An excerpt from Ise monogatari (The Tales of Ise), episode 46, "Uruwashiki tomo" (A Special Friend); opening word, Yono naka no (世中の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 堺連哥師理成 世中の (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了栄(二代)か? -
105 A fragment from an unidentified poetry collection; the first poem of the fragment opens with, hana sakeba (花さけは)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 連哥師宗周 花さけは (極印)箕山 (筆跡)藤本了因 -
104 A poem from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, nurete hosu (ぬれてほす)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 奈良連哥師紹九 ぬれてほす (極印)箕山 (筆跡)藤本了因 -
103 A fragment possibly of an unidentified renga (linked verse) collection; the fragment opens with, nagaoka naru (長岡なる)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 連歌師 宗長/長岡なる (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了栄(二代)か? -
102 A fragment from an unidentified poetry collection; the first poem of the fragment opens with, aki no mizu (秋の水)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 連歌師宗柳 川水流清 (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(二代)に近いか? -
101 An excerpt from Yamato monogatari (The Tales of Yamato); first word of the fragment, ayamegari (あやめかり)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 連歌師石井了派 あやめかり (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)に近いか? -
100 A poem by Genchin; opening verse, mizudori no (水鳥の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 連歌師 水鳥の (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
099 A fragment of Senzai wakashū (Collection of Japanese Poems of a Thousand Years); opening verse of the poem on the fragment, takasato no (たかさとの)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 連歌師玄陳 十二月許に (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代) -
098 A poem by Genchū; opening verse,tamiyasuku (民安く)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 連歌師玄仲 民安く (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
097 Poems from Shoku kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern, Continued); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, sakurabana (さくら花)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 連歌師周孝 牡丹花門人/さくら花 (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
096 A fragment of renga (linked verse); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, wakareji no (別路の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 連歌師 宗祇/別路の (極印)弌守 (筆跡)平塚平兵衛 -
095 Calligraphy fragment possibly of a commentary to Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 連歌師紹巴 諸詞也 (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了栄(二代)か? -
094 Poems from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, kyō hito wo (けふ人を)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 寿暁 おく山の (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了珉(五代)に近いか? -
093 A fragment from an unidentified poetry collection; the first poem of the fragment opens with, mukau hi mo (むかふ日も)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 溝杙 柳江筆/むかふ日も (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
092 A fragment from an unidentified poetry collection; opening verse, hanayaka ni (花やかに)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 松永貞徳 かへし/花やかに (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
091 A poem from Wakan rōeishū (A Collection of Japanese and Chinese Poems for Recitation); first verse begins with, shōjo wa mukashi (相如昔)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 本阿弥光悦 前廉/相如昔 (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)に近いか?) -
090 A poem by Botanka Shōhaku; opening verse, wasuremeya (わすれめや)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 牡丹花 わすれめや (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
089 A Poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, mono omou (ものおもふ)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 松花堂昭乗 ものおもふ (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)に近いか? -
088 Fragment of the Lotus Sutra (Myōhō rengekyō; Sanskrit Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra), fascicle 5, chapter 14: T0262_.09.0038a
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 小野道風 離諸※ (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
087 A poetry card (shikishi) with an unidentified poem; opening verse, nodokanaru (のとかなる)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 織田常真 色紙/のとかなる (極印)箕山 (筆跡)藤本了因で問題ないか -
086 A poem from Jisanka (Self-avowed Poems); opening verse, tsuki sumeba (月すめは)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 飯尾彦六左衛門常房 月すめは (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(二代)に近いか? -
085 A poem from Shūi gusō (Meager Gleanings); opening verse, kokoro ate ni (心あてに)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 傳内殿 心あてに (極印)弌守 (筆跡)平塚平兵衛で問題ないか?(極印は平兵衛のもの) -
084 A poem from Akishino gesshū (Akishino Clear Moon Collection); opening verse, Hatsusegawa (はつせ川)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 月樵法印 はつせ川 (極印)箕山 (筆跡)藤本了因で問題ないか?(『古筆鑑定必携』の例のみからは見極めが困難) -
083 A poem by Ōae Masatora; opening verse, hodo mo naku (程のなく)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 楠河内守正虎 程もなく (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道伴(四代)に近いか? -
082 A poem attributed to Ashikaga Yoshihisa; opening verse, iku yo ka wa (いく夜かは)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 常徳院殿義尚 いく夜かは (極印)箕山 (筆跡)藤本了因で問題ないか?(『古筆鑑定必携』の例のみからは見極めが困難) -
081 Poems from Shin senzai wakashū (New Collection of Japanese Poems of a Thousand Years); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, hi ni soete (ひにそへて)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 大智院殿義視公 恋の哥の中に (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了栄(二代)か? -
080 Fragment of the Catalogue of Scriptures, Authorized by the Great Zhou (C. Dazhou kanding zhongjing mulu; J. Daishū kanjō shūkyō mokuroku; 大周刊定衆經目錄) by Mingquan, fascicle 13: T2153_.55.0463b22-28
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 魚養 度諸佛 (極印)幽硯 (筆跡)末田幽硯 -
079 A poetry slip (tanzaku) format paper with the prayer to the deity, Kitano Tenjin (北野天神)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 豊臣秀頼公 天神御名号 (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
078 A poetry slip (tanzaku) with themes for a poetry gathering
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 招月廣徹書記 郭公 (極印)箕山 (筆跡)藤本了因で問題ないか?(『古筆鑑定必携』の例のみからは見極めが困難) -
077 A poem from Shin shoku kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern, Continued); opening verse, chiru hana no (ちる花の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 秀頼公御母堂淀殿 ちる花の (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道僖(三代)に最も近いか? -
076 A fragment of an unidentified Buddhist text
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 明恵上人 必自権門 (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道伴(七代)に近いか? -
075 A poem by Anrakuan Sakuden; opening verse,tsutsu izutsu (つついつつ)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 誓願寺 安楽庵/つつゐつつ (極印)重 (筆跡)古筆了雪 -
074 An excerpt from Japanese commentary on Liutao (六韜; J. Rikutō)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 金吾中納言秀秋卿 臣不忠 (極印)極 (筆跡)川勝宗久(初代)か? -
073 A poetry card (shikishi) with an unidentified poem; opening verse, tenpū (天風)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 妙心寺南化和尚 天風 (極印)箕山 (筆跡)藤本了因か?(『古筆鑑定必携』の例のみからは見極めが困難) -
072 Poems from Shoku kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern, Continued); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, ima zo shiru (いまそしる)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 相国寺 万松院等貴/俊恵法師 (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆古筆家(しいていえば了珉<五代>に近いか?) -
071 A poem from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, koishiki ni (恋しきに)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 山科殿言綱卿 恋しきに (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道伴(四代)に最も近いか? -
070 Calligraphy fragment possibly a record or correspondence; first line begins with, Kan'ei 13 (寛永十三)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 大徳寺 江月和尚/寛永 (極印)重 (筆跡)古筆了雪 -
069 A poem from Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji), chapter 51, "A Drifting Boat" (Ukifune); opening word, mine no yuki (峯の雪)
Identification/Authentication slips (kiwame fuda): 極札#1一休和尚 峯の雪/色紙 (極印)極 (筆跡)?(川勝宗久<初代>か?) 極札#2大徳寺一休和尚 峯の雪/※もう一行あり(不読;みきわのこほり?) (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(初代)に近いか? -
068 A fragment of an unidentified narrative text; opening line, yo no naka wa (世の中は)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 六角堂専順法師 世の中は (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)に近いか? -
067 A poetry slip (tanzaku) with themes for a poetry gathering
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 定法寺公助僧正 時雨晴陰 (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)に近いか? -
066 Poems from Shoku shūi wakashū (A Collection of Gleanings, Continued); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, hakanashiya (はかなしや)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 伏見宮貞常親王 はかなしや (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
065 Poems from Shūi wakashū (A Collection of Gleanings); opening verse, minato iri no (みなといりの)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 藤本浄弁 和歌四天王/みなといりの (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(二代)に近いか? -
064 Poems from Shirakawa-dono shichi hyaku shū (Seven-hundred Poems from Emperor Shirakawa's Poetry Gathering); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, chiri o dani (ちりをたに)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 法印還賢 ちりをたに (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(初代) -
063 A fragment from an unidentified poetry collection; the first poem of the fragment opens with, mijiikayo no (みしか夜の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 浄土寺慈※ みしか夜の (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(初代) -
062 A fragment of an unidentified poem; beginning character of the fragment, mizu (水)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 相国寺 中正蔵主/水染※(し?) (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
061 A poem possibly by Shōha; opening verse, kakitsubata (ka) to Emepror Go-Daigo; opening verse, kakitsubata (かきつはた)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 三井寺僧 かきつはた (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
060 Poems from Shoku shūi wakashū (A Collection of Gleanings); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, aki no iro no (秋の色の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 周興律師 秋の色の (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
059 A fragment of an unidentified renga (linked verse) collection; opening line of the fragment begins with, uguisu no (鶯の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 松永貞徳 明心居士/鶯の (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
058 A fragment of an unidentified Buddhist text
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 解脱上人 又輪 (極印)弌守 (筆跡)平塚平兵衛 -
057 A sachū (左注; left note) to a poem from Hōmon hyakushu (A Hundred Poems from the Dharma-Gate); opening line of the fragment, shimogare no (しもかれの)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 寂蓮法師 しもかれの (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)に最も近いか? -
056 A poem from Shūi wakashū (A Collection of Gleanings); opening verse, nenohi suru (子日する)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 素眼法師 子日する (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)に最も近い? -
055 A Chinese-style poem from Wakan rōeishū (A Collection of Japanese and Chinese Poems for Recitation); first verse begins with, uguisu imada idezushite (鶯未出)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 素眼法師 鶯未出 (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)に最も近い? -
054 A poem by Ta'a; opening verse, haru wa hana (春は花)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 遊行他阿上人 春は花 (極印)箕山 (筆跡)藤本了因か?(『古筆鑑定必携』の例のみからは見極めが困難) -
053 A poem by Kakua; opening verse, niwa no omote wa (庭の面は)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 極楽寺上人 庭の面は (極印)箕山 (筆跡)藤本了因か?(『古筆鑑定必携』の例のみからは見極めが困難) -
052 A fragment of a customized prayer for safe birth mostly likely using Yō sonbō (C. Yaoxunfa; 要尊法); T2478_.78.0193b25-c06
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 文覚上人 佛加持 (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
051 A fragment of an unidentified Buddhist text
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 栂尾明恵上人 別教義釈 (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
050 A fragment from an unidentified poetry collection; the first poem of the fragment opens with, chiri naranu (塵ならぬ)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 伏見殿邦尚親王 塵ならぬ (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了仲(分家三代)に最も近いか? -
049 Fragment of the Middle Length Āgama Sutras (J. Chūagon kyō; 中阿含經); T0026_.01.0567a16-19
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 慈覚大師 因他人在衆 (極印)幽硯 (筆跡)末田幽硯 -
048 Poems from Chōshū eisō (Long Autumn Poems); first verse begins with, tsukuzuku to (つくつくと)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 中山殿廉親卿 つく/\と (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道伴(四代)か? -
047 Fragment of the Heart Sutra (Hannya haramita shingyō; Sanskrit Mahā-prajñāpāramitā-hṛdaya-sūtra)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 極札欠失 -
046 A poem from Shūi wakashū (A Collection of Gleanings); opening verse, akikaze no (秋風の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 正親町三條實福卿 秋風の (極印)※金 (筆跡)未詳鑑定家 -
045 A poem from Shinsen rōeishū (Newly Selected Collection of Poems for Recitation); opening verse, inishie no (いにしへの)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 鷹司関白教平公 いにしへの (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)に最も近いか? -
044 An excerpt from Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji), chapter 9, "Aoi" (Heart-to-Heart); opening word of the fragment, nikeru (にける)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 一條殿 教房公/にける (極印)重 (筆跡)古筆了雪 -
043 Fragment of Teiōshō 貞応抄 by Dōhan (1178-1252); T2447_.77.0712a13-17
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 解脱上人 證普門 (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)に近いか? -
042 A poem from Rokka wakashū (Collection of Japanese Poems of Six Flowers); opening verse, nagametsuru (なかめつる)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 堺連歌師月樵 なかめつる (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)に最も雰囲気が似ているか? -
041 Poems from Goshūi wakashū (Later Collection of Gleanings of Japanese Poetry); first line on the fragment, kaerigoto ni (かへりことに)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 世尊寺殿経朝卿 かへりことに (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了仲(分家三代) -
040 Calligraphy fragment of the geneaology of characters from the Tale of Genji; first line begins with,daishō oboshi (大将おほし)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 二條家為重卿 大将おほし (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)に近いか? -
039 Poems from Gosen wakashū (Later Collection of Japanese Poems); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, naki hito no (なき人の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 民部卿局 なき人の (極印)琴山 (筆跡)元禄十六年(1703)頃の古筆了音に近いか? -
038 A poetry card (shikishi) with an unidentified poem; opening verse, dankyō (断橋)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 南禅寺大愚和尚 断橋 (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)に近いか? -
037 Poems from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse of the full poem on the fragment,yuku toshi no (ゆくとしの)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 二條家 為明卿/ゆくとしの (極印)弌守 (筆跡)平塚平兵衛 -
036 Poems from Senzai wakashū (Collection of Japanese Poems of a Thousand Years); first line on the fragment, saburaikeru (侍ける)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 二條家為氏公 侍ける (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(二代)に近いか? -
035 A Poem possibly from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Shio no yama (しほのやま)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 二條家為定卿 しほのやま (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(どちらかというと<二代>に近いか?) -
034 Poems from Gosen wakashū (Later Collection of Japanese Poems); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, tamukesenu (たむけせぬ)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 二條家為世卿 宮つかへ (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(初代) -
033 Poems from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, kyō wakare (けふわかれ)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 二條家 為右/けふわかれ (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
032 A poem from Shoku gosen wakashū (Later Collection of Japanese Poems Continued); opening verse, wasurarenu (忘られぬ)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 後奈良院 忘られぬ (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
031 A poem by Nijō Yasumichi; opening verse,fukiage no (吹上の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 二條殿 吹上の (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了栄に最も近いか? -
030 An excerpt from Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji), chapter 22, "Tamakazura" (The Tendril Wreath); opening word, reino (れいの)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 九條殿 稙通公/れいの (極印)重 (筆跡)古筆了雪 -
029 Poems from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, murasaki no (むらさきの)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 九條殿道家公 ある人いはく (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(初代)に近いか? -
028 Poems from Gyokuyō wakashū (Jeweled Leaves Collection); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, harugoto no (春ことの)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 御光厳院 侍ける (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)に近い? -
027 A poem by Konoe Hisamichi; opening verse, nabakariwa (名はかり)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 近衛殿尚通公法名大證 名はかりは (極印)幽硯 (筆跡)末田幽硯 -
026 A poem from Wakan rōeishū (A Collection of Japanese and Chinese Poems for Recitation); opening verse, mura mura no (むらむらの)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 近衛殿前久公 御法名龍山/むらむらの (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音か? -
025 Poems from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment,tane shi areba (たねしあれは)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 後土御門院 たねしあれは (極印)弌守 (筆跡)平塚平兵衛 -
024 A poem by Konoe Taneie; opening verse, shirubezo to (しるへそと)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 近衛殿 しるへそと (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
023 A poem by Konoe Hisamichi; opening verse, omou koto (おもふ事)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 近衛殿 おもふ事 (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
022 A poem from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse,kyōkozuwa (けふこすは)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 近衛殿信尹公壮年御筆 けふこすは (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音に近いか? -
021 A Poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, yumenitemo (夢にても)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 近衛殿信尋卿 夢にても (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音に近いか? -
020 A fragment from Hyōhanki (Taira no Nobunori's Diary) from the entry for twenty-seventh day, seventh monty, 1167
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 定家卿 穴底 (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)に近いか?