Tekagami (SCUA)
Item set
219 A poetry slip (tanzaku) with themes for a poetry gathering
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 飛鳥井殿雅庸卿 新秋露 (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
218 A poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Waga koi wa (我恋は)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 飛鳥井殿雅賢朝臣 我恋は (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
217 A poem attributed to Asukai Masaaki (1611-1679); opening verse, Hikiwatasu (引わたす)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 飛鳥井殿雅章卿 引わたす (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
216 A fragment from an unidentified poetry collection; the first poem of the fragment opens with, Okiwakare (おきわかれ)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 飛鳥井殿 栄雅/袖の涙は (極印)重 (筆跡)古筆了雪 -
215 A poem attributed to Reizei Mochitame (1401-1454); opening verse, Hashi ni sasu (橋にさす)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 下冷泉殿 持為卿/橋にさす (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
214 Poems from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Samushiro ni (さむしろに)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 冷泉殿為相卿 題しらす/さむしろに (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(二代)に近いか? -
213 A poem by Reizei Tamehiro (1450−1526); opening verse, Harairan (はらひらぬ)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 冷泉殿 はらひらぬ (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
212 A poem from Shin senzai wakashū (New Collection of Japanese Poems of a Thousand Years); opening verse, Hatsu shigure (初時雨)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 薮殿嗣孝卿 初時雨 (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
211 A poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Waga yado no (我宿の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 中山亜相篤親卿 我宿の (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
210 A poem from Rokka wakashū (Collection of Japanese Poems of Six Flowers); opening verse, Yuki naraba (雪ならは)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 水無瀬従二位兼豊卿 雪ならは (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
209 A poem from Asukai wakashū (Collection of Poems by Fujiwara no Masatsune); opening verse, Natsu fukaki (夏深き)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 冷泉殿 為廣卿/夏深き (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
208 A poem from Waka kuden (Oral Transmission of Japanese Poetry); opening verse, Natsu no hi no (夏の日の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 水無瀬殿兼成卿 夏の日の (極印)弌守 (筆跡)平塚平兵衛 -
207 A poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Omoitsutsu e (思つゝへ)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 水無瀬殿 氏成卿/思つゝへ (極印)弌守 (筆跡)平塚平兵衛 -
206 Calligraphy fragment possibly of a copy of Ujichika dokugin senku (Ujichika's One Thousand Verses Composed on His Own); first line begins with, Kono senku ni (此千句に)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 高野二階堂清岩 此千句に (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
205 Poems from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Yadorishite (やとりして)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 従二位家隆卿 やとりして (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
204 A poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Suma no ama no (すまのあまの)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 持明院亜相基定卿 すまのあまの (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
203 A poetry slip (tanzaku) with an unidentified poem; opening verse, Tsuyu shigure (露時雨)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 松木内大臣宗顕公 露時雨 (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
202 A poem from Gyokuyō wakashū (Jeweled Leaves Collection); opening verse, Hito koe wa (一聲は)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 松木内大臣宗條公 一聲は (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
201 Poems from Gosen wakashū (Later Collection of Japanese Poems); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Uigisu no ito ni (鶯のいとに)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 松木殿宗綱卿 鶯のいとに (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了栄(二代)か? -
200 A poem from Shoku gosen wakashū (Later Collection of Japanese Poems Continued); opening verse, Kusa no hara (草のはら)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 勧修寺殿尹豊卿 草のはら (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(初代)か? -
199 A poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Makura nimo (枕にも)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 山科殿言総卿 枕にも (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
198 A fragment from an unidentified poetry collection; the first poem of the fragment opens with, Nenobishite (ねのひして)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 万里小路殿惟房公 ねのひして (極印)箕山 (筆跡)藤本了因 -
197 A poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Ayanakumo (あやなくも)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 清閑寺亜相煕定卿 あやなくも (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
196 Poems from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Tobu tori no (とふとりの)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 葉室殿 光恵卿/とふとりの (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
195 A poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Karanishiki (からにしき)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 中御門亜相資煕卿 からにしき (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
194 Poems from Senzai wakashū (Collection of Japanese Poems of a Thousand Years); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Funemogana (舟もかな)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 甘露寺殿親長 白河殿七百首 (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
193 A poem by Kanroji Motonaga (1457-1527); opening verse, Matsu ga e ni (松か枝に)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 松か枝に 甘露寺殿 (極印)傳菴 (筆跡)畠山牛庵(二代)か? -
192 A poem from Shin senzai wakashū (New Collection of Japanese Poems of a Thousand Years); opening verse, Aki giri no (秋霧の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 竹屋従二位光久卿 秋霧の (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
191 A poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Mukashi (むかし)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 裏松黄門意光卿 むかし (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
190 An excerpt from Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji), chapter 1 “Kiritsubo" (The Paulownia Pavilion); opening word, "...achieve the Sovereign's supreme eminence" (Teiō no ue naki; 帝王の上なき)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 烏丸光廣卿 帝王の上なき (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了栄(二代)か? -
189 A poem by Karasumaru Mitsuhiro (1579-1638); opening verse, Chirumade o (ちるまてを)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 烏丸殿 とひまてを (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
188 A poem from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Haru no yo no (はるの夜の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 柳原資行 はるの夜の (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
187 A poem by Yanagiwara Sukekado (1644-1712); opening verse, Sato wa arete (さとはあれて)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 柳原亜相 さとはあれて (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道伴(七代)か? -
186 A poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Izukunika (いつくにか)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 日野殿資勝卿 いつくにか (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了周(四代)か? -
185 A poem from Shin chokusen wakashū (New Imperial Waka Collection); opening verse, Haru no nami (春の波)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 花園従二位實満卿 春の波 (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
184 A poem from Shoku goshūi wakashū (Later Collection of Gleanings of Japanese Poetry Continued); opening verse, Yo no naka wa (世間は)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 風早黄門實種卿 世間は (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
183 A poem possibly from Rinjoshū (a collection of poems compiled by Asukai Masaari); opening verse, Saoshika no (さをしかの)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 阿野亜相季信卿 前廉筆/さをしかの (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道伴(七代)に近いか? -
182 A poem from Shin shoku kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern, Continued); opening verse, Utsu-no-Yama (宇津山)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 四辻亜相季継 宇津山 (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
181 A poem by Karasumaru Mitsuyiro (1579-1638); opening verse, Honoka nimo (ほのかにも)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 烏丸殿 ほのかにも (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
180 A poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Tada tanome (たゝたのめ)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 四辻殿 季輔/たゝたのめ (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了祐(三代)か? -
179 A poem from Chikuen-shō (A Selection from the Bamboo Grove); opening verse, Naniwazu ni (難波津に)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 四辻殿公理卿 難波津に (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
178 A poem by Sanjō Nishi Kin'eda (1487-1563); opening verse, Kotowari mo (ことはりも)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 西三條殿 ことはりも (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
177 A poem from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Iro miede (色みえて)
Identification/Authentication slips (kiwame fuda): 徳大寺殿公維 色みえて (極印)春 (筆跡)嘉右衛門 -
176 A poem attributed to Sanjō Nishi Kin'eda (1487-1563); opening verse, Tsuyu-namida (露涙)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 三條西殿 露涙 (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
175 Fragment of the Great Sutra of the Perfection of Wisdom (Dai hannya haramitta kyō; Sanskrit Maha-prajna-paramita sutra), fascicle 9: T0220_.05.0045a23-045b03
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 西三條殿公條公 者宿住 (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
174 A poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Naku semi no (鳴蝉の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 大炊御門経孝公 鳴蝉の (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
173 Poems from Shūishō (Abridged Collection of Gleanings of Japanese Poetry); opening verse of the first full poem on the fragment, Moro tomo ni (もろともに)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 轉法輪殿公忠公 もろともに (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
172 Poems from Chōshū eisō (Weeds Composed for Long Autumns); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Saki no yo ni (さきのよに)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 西園寺殿實兼公 さ[き]のよに (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(二代)に近いか? -
171 Poems from vol. 1 of Wakuraba (Old Leaves); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Kasumi ni (かすみに)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 岩山殿 道堅/かすみに (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
170 Fragment of the Sutra of Meditation of Ugra in Rājagṛha (Ikuga Raotsu bosatsugyō-kyō 郁迦羅越菩薩行經): T0323_.12.0028b15-18
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 魚養 狐獼猴 (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
169 Poems from Senzai wakashū (Collection of Japanese Poems of a Thousand Years); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Ikuchiyo to (いくちよと)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 松殿忠嗣公 之代/いくちよと (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(初代)に近いか? -
168 Poems from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Ware mitemo (我みても)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 真光院殿尊海 仁和寺殿院家/我みても (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了栄(二代)か? -
167 A poem by Kuzuoka Nobuyoshi (1629-1717); opening verse, Kanarazu to (かならすと)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 葛岡殿 かならすと (極印)重 (筆跡)古筆了雪 -
166 A poem from Gosen wakashū (Later Collection of Japanese Poems); opening verse, Ataraya no (あたら夜の)
Identification/Authentication slips (kiwame fuda): 良純法親王 あたら夜の (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(初代)に近いか? -
165 A poem from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Michinokuni (みちのくに)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 照高院殿 道澄/みちのくに (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
164 A poem by Saionji Kinyoshi (unidentified); opening verse, Haru tatsu to (春たつと)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 西園寺殿庶流 春たつと (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道伴(七代)に近いか? -
163 A fragment from an unidentified poetry collection; the first full poem of the fragment opens with, Imose yama (いもせ山)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 十市殿遠忠 いもせ山 (極印)箕山 (筆跡)藤本了因 -
162 A poem by Dōchō (1544-1608); opening verse, Shiragiku wa (白菊は)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 照高院宮 白菊は (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)に近いか? -
161 A poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Asahi kage (朝日かけ)
Identification/Authentication slips (kiwame fuda): 八條殿智仁親王 朝日かけ (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了意(九代)に最も近いか? -
160 A poem from Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji), chapter 28 “Nowaki" (The Typhoon); opening verse, Ōkata ni (大かたに)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 八宮良純親王 大かたに (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
159 A poem from Wakan rōeishū (A Collection of Japanese and Chinese Poems for Recitation); opening verse, Kore wo miyo (是をみよ)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 宮内卿 是をみよ (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了意(九代)に最も近いか? -
158 A fragment from an unidentified poetry collection; the first full poem of the fragment opens with, Mishi hito o (みしひとを)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 藤原清輔卿 うしとおもはぬ (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(初代)に近いか? -
157 Poems from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Hikari naki (ひかりなき)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 頓阿法師 ひかりなき (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
156 A poem from Wakan rōeishū (A Collection of Japanese and Chinese Poems for Recitation); opening verse, Aoyagi no (青柳の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 佐々木殿 資敦朝臣/青柳の (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
155 Poems from Shika wakashū (Collection of Verbal Flowers of Japanese Poems); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Moro tomo ni (もろともに)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 為相卿 もろともに (極印)箕山 (筆跡)藤本了因 -
154 Poems from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Nenohi suru (ねのひする)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 光家朝臣 ねのひする (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(初代)に近いか? -
153 An excerpt from Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji), chapter 46 “Shiigamoto" (Beneath the Oak); opening word, "...so perfectly suitable in style" ([sarukata ni ito okashū]; [さる方にいとを]かしう)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 後京極殿 良経公/かしうゆへ (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
152 Fragment of the Lotus Sutra (Myōhō rengekyō; Sanskrit Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra), fascicle 5, chapter 14 (Peaceful Practices): T0262_.09.0037b16-17
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 世尊寺殿経朝卿 是法相 (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
151 Poems from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Shirakumo no (しら雲の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 世尊寺殿 行尹卿/たひにてよみ (極印)弌守 (筆跡)平塚平兵衛 -
150 An excerpt from Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji), chapter 47 “Agemaki" (Trefoil Knots); opening word, "...was wholly recovered" ([yoroshikunari] ni keri; [よろしくなり] にけり)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 世尊寺殿 行能卿/にけりとて (極印)重 (筆跡)古筆了雪 -
149 An excerpt from Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji), chapter 26, "Tokonatsu" (The Pink); opening word, Nadeshiko no (なてしこの)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 北畠殿親顕卿 なてしこの (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了栄(二代)か? -
148 Poems from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Koromo utsu (衣もうつ)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 中納言惟継卿 衣もうつ (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(初代)に近いか? -
147 A poem from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Shirakumo ni (白雲に)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 裏松殿資清卿 白雲に (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(二代)に近いか? -
146 A poem attributed to Kyō no Naishi of Emperor Go-Kashibara's court; opening verse, Sasuga mata (さすか又)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 後柏原院 卿内侍/さすか又 (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了栄(二代)か? -
145 A poem from Gosen wakashū (Later Collection of Japanese Poems); opening verse, Kaminazuki (神無月)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 後花園院 勾当内侍/神無月 (極印)弌守 (筆跡)平塚平兵衛 -
144 A poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Nagarete wa (なかれては)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 為家卿 なかれては (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
143 A fragment from an unidentified poetry collection; the first poem of the fragment opens with, Wasurezu yo (わすれすよ)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 後土御門院勾当内侍 わすれすよ (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)に最も近いか? -
142 A poem from Goshūi wakashū (Later Collection of Gleanings of Japanese Poetry); opening verse, Toshi o hete (としをへて)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 後京極攝政良経公 としをへて (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了延(七代)に最も近いか? -
141 Poems from Wakan rōeishū (A Collection of Japanese and Chinese Poems for Recitation); first verse begins with, Satō ni ame somete (沙頭雨染)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 源三位頼政卿 沙頭雨染 (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道伴(七代)に近いか? -
140 A poem from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Nukimidaru (ぬきみたる)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 慈照院殿義政公 ぬきみたる (極印)※金(朱) (筆跡)未詳鑑定家 -
139 An excerpt from Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji), chapter 1 "Kiritsubo" (The Paulownia Pavilion); opening word, "...dark hue of the purple" ([koki murasa]ki no iro; [濃きむらさ]きの色)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 猪熊教利 きの色しあせすは (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了意(九代)に最も近いか? -
138 A poem from Wakan rōeishū (A Collection of Japanese and Chinese Poems for Recitation); first verse begins with, Mizu no omote ni (みつの面に)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 鳥飼宗慶 山経巻裏/みつの面に/詩哥 (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
137 A poem from Wakan rōeishū (A Collection of Japanese and Chinese Poems for Recitation); first verse begins with, Sengyō no maki no uchi niwa (山経巻裏)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): see fragment 138 -
136 A Poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Shirakumo no (しらくもの)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 小野通 しら雲の (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
135 A calligraphy attributed to Kūkei (1571-1638); opening verse, Uguisu ni (鶯に)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 喜多院空慶 鶯に (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(初代)に近いか? -
134 Poems from Senzai wakashū (Collection of Japanese Poems of a Thousand Years); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Kanashisa o (かなしさを)
First Line Height: 21.9 cm -
133 A poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Hana zo miru (花そみる)
Identification/Authentication slips (kiwame fuda): 尊円親王 弟子 正恵筆 かなしさを (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(二代)に近いか? -
132 A poem from Shin kokin wakashū (New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Wasurete wa (わすれては)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 蜷川新右衛門尉親當 わすれては (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了栄(二代)に最も近いか? -
131 Poems from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Sakurabana (さくら花)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 津守國夏 哥たてまつれ (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
130 An excerpt from Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji), chapter 25 "Hotaru" (The Fireflies); opening word, Nakumo (なくも)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 住吉神主津守國冬 なくも (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
129 A poem attributed to Inoo Nariyuki (unidentified); opening verse, Hana ni mishi (花に見し)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 飯尾大和守成之 花に見し (極印)養心 (筆跡)神田道古(六代)か? -
128 A poem from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Ise no umi no (伊勢の海の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 水無瀬殿兼成卿 伊勢の海の (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了珉(五代)か? -
127 A poem from Sōanshū (Collection from the Grass Hut); opening verse, Ukinaka wa (うき中は)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 伊達遠江守秀宗 うき中 (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
126 A fragment from an unidentified Buddhist text; first characters of the fragment, Fudō Myōō (不動明王)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 源三位 頼政卿/足不動 (極印)弌守 (筆跡)平塚平兵衛 -
125 Poems from Goshūi wakashū (Later Collection of Gleanings of Japanese Poetry); first line on the fragment, Miwatase ba (みわたせは)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 宇喜田宰想殿秀家 みわたせは (極印)印文不読 (筆跡)朝倉茂入(初代)か? -
124 A fragment from an unidentified poetry collection; the first poem of the fragment opens with, Nanakusa no (七草の)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 細川玄旨 七草の (極印)琴山 (筆跡)古筆了音(六代)か? -
123 Poems from Senzai wakashū (Collection of Japanese Poems of a Thousand Years); opening verse of the first poem on the fragment, Tatsutayama (立田山)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 尭孝門弟 尭憲/承暦二年 (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
122 A poem from Kokin wakashū (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern); opening verse, Toshi no uchi ni (年内に)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 江別永原 永運/年内に (極印)守村 (筆跡)古筆了任(分家二代) -
121 A fragment from an unidentified poetry collection; the poem of the fragment opens with, Harugazumi (春霞)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 永原永運 れは (極印)箕山 (筆跡)藤本了因で問題ないか?(『古筆鑑定必携』の例のみからは見極めが困難) -
120 A poem from Shūi wakashū (A Collection of Gleanings); opening verse, Koko ni dani (こゝにたに)
Information on kiwame fuda (Identification/Authentication slip): 宗鑑 こゝにたに (極印)牛菴(朱) (筆跡)畠山牛庵(二代)か?